One hour long selection of Goth Classics, sad songs for lonely people, will make you feel like staying away from the masses more than expected.
by our friend @artiguenave_
1- Sixth Comm : Othilla
2- The Danse Society : Somewhere
3- Xmal Deutschland : Polarlicht
4- This Mortal Coil : Sixteen Days (Gathering Dust)
5- Type O Negative : Love You To Death
6- Clan Of Xymox : Into Extremes
7- Skeletal Families : She Cries Alone
8- Sisters Of Mercy : Black Planet
9- Lebanon Hanover : Gallowdance
10- Death In June : Born Again
11- Trisomie 21 : The Last Song
12-VNV Nation : Solitary
13- Asylum Party : The Sabbath
14- The Chameleons : P.S. Goodbye